12/05/2024, 10:50 AM UTC
欧洲航天局与日本宇宙航空研究开发机构承诺深化太空合作关系ESA, Jaxa commit to deeper working relationship in space
➀ 欧洲航天局(ESA)与日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)承诺深化太空合作关系,专注于探索小行星、月球和火星。他们签署了一份联合声明,概述了五方面的合作内容,包括加速进行ESA的Ramses任务对阿波菲斯的联合研究,为月球空间站项目Gateway作出贡献,以及共同进行月球探索,包括Artemis计划。➁ 他们计划推进一项潜在的合作火星任务,并继续在太空科学方面合作,包括高能天体物理学和研究地球周围的等离子体。➂ 机构们有着长期的合作历史,例如水星探测任务BepiColumbo和地球气候研究任务EarthCARE。➀ The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA) have committed to a deeper working relationship, focusing on exploring asteroids, the Moon, and Mars. They have signed a joint statement outlining five aspects of their collaboration, including accelerating studies for the ESA's Ramses mission to Apophis, contributing to the Gateway programme for a lunar space station, and working together on lunar exploration, including the Artemis programme. ➁ They plan to advance discussions on a potential collaborative Mars mission and continue working together in space science, including high-energy astrophysics and studying the plasma around Earth. ➂ The agencies have a history of collaboration, such as the BepiColumbo mission to Mercury and the EarthCARE mission to study Earth's climate.---