10/29/2024, 12:30 AM UTC
华为芯片代理策略揭露美国新制裁漏洞[News] Huawei’s Proxy Tactics for Advanced Chips Expose New U.S. Sanctions Loophole
➀ 华为在先进芯片的代理策略中暴露出美国新制裁的漏洞;➁ 该问题涉及华为的Ascend 910B芯片,据称由台积电制造;➂ 这起争议凸显了国际贸易和技术法规的复杂性。➀ Huawei's proxy tactics for advanced chips come to light, revealing a new U.S. sanctions loophole; ➁ The issue involves Huawei's Ascend 910B chip, reportedly manufactured by TSMC; ➂ The controversy highlights the complexities of international trade and technology regulations.---