12/25/2024, 12:39 PM UTC
罗永浩瞄准AI硬件,新品理念超前,能否一雪TNT前耻?-36氪Luoyonghao Targets AI Hardware, New Product Concept Ahead of Its Time, Can It Redeem the Shame of TNT? - 36Kr
➀ 罗永浩创立的细红线科技有限公司最初专注于AR操作系统和硬件产品开发,但受行业趋势影响 ,转向AI领域。
➁ 公司预计将在春节期间前后发布首款AI硬件,重点在于软件解决方案和AI Agent,以及AI原生硬件。
➂ 以AI硬件先驱者身份出道的罗永浩,希望在新的创业公司细红线科技中推出革命性产品,尽管之前在AI硬件TNT上遭遇了挑战。
➀ Luoyonghao has established his new company, Xihongxian Technology Co., Ltd., focusing on developing AR operating systems and hardware products initially, but shifted to AI due to industry trends.
➁ The company is expected to launch its first AI hardware around the Chinese New Year, with a focus on software solutions and an AI Agent, along with AI native hardware.
➂ Luoyonghao, known as a pioneer in AI hardware, aims to create revolutionary products with his new venture, Xihongxian, despite previous challenges with the AI hardware TNT.
12/25/2024, 12:40 PM UTC
罗永浩瞄准AI硬件,新品理念超前,能否一雪TNT前耻?-36氪Luoyonghao Targets AI Hardware, New Product Concept Ahead of Its Time, Can It Redeem the Shame of TNT? - 36Kr
➀ 罗永浩创立的细红线科技有限公司最初专注于AR操作系统和硬件产品开发,但受行业趋势影响,转向AI领域。
➁ 公司预计 将在春节期间前后发布首款AI硬件,重点在于软件解决方案和AI Agent,以及AI原生硬件。
➂ 以AI硬件先驱者身份出道的罗永浩,希望在新的创业公司细红线科技中推出革命性产品,尽管之前在AI硬件TNT上遭遇了挑战。
➀ Luoyonghao has established his new company, Xihongxian Technology Co., Ltd., focusing on developing AR operating systems and hardware products initially, but shifted to AI due to industry trends.
➁ The company is expected to launch its first AI hardware around the Chinese New Year, with a focus on software solutions and an AI Agent, along with AI native hardware.
➂ Luoyonghao, known as a pioneer in AI hardware, aims to create revolutionary products with his new venture, Xihongxian, despite previous challenges with the AI hardware TNT.