10/31/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
任天堂宣布独家音乐流媒体应用Nintendo announces exclusive music streaming app
➀ 任天堂宣布推出自己的独家音乐流媒体服务Nintendo Music,仅限Switch Online订阅用户使用;➁ 该服务包含任天堂系列游戏的音乐以及基于角色、游戏时刻和情绪的精选播放列表;➂ 这一举措似乎有些过时,因为其他游戏发行商已经在YouTube和Spotify等平台上添加了他们的原声音乐。➀ Nintendo has announced their own exclusive music streaming service, Nintendo Music, available only to Switch Online subscribers; ➁ The service features tracks from Nintendo franchises and curated playlists based on characters, in-game moments, and moods; ➂ The move seems a bit antiquated as other game publishers are adding their soundtracks to platforms like YouTube and Spotify.