07/31/2024, 01:29 PM UTC
台积电将于八月在德累斯顿举行新厂奠基仪式TSMC to break ground on Dresden fab in August
1、台积电计划于八月在德国德累斯顿为其首个欧洲工厂举行奠基仪式。2、该工厂名为欧洲半导体制造公司(ESMC),预计将于2027年底开始运营。3、该项目涉及英飞凌、博世和恩智浦的投资,每家公司各出资5亿欧元,占ESMC 10%的股份,总投资额为108亿美元。1. TSMC is set to break ground on its first European fab in Dresden, Germany, in August. 2. The fab, named European Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (ESMC), is expected to start operations in late 2027. 3. The project involves investments from Infineon, Bosch, and NXP, with each contributing €500 million for a 10% stake in ESMC, which has a total cost of $10.8 billion.