10/15/2024, 07:13 PM UTC
全球8英寸碳化硅晶圆厂扩张Global Expansion of 8-inch Silicon Carbide Wafer Fabs
<p>➀ 近几年,各大公司一直在投资8英寸碳化硅生产线,全球有14个新的工厂正在规划中。</p><p>➁ 意大利的意法半导体正在建设一个新的8英寸碳化硅工厂,与中国三安光电的合资项目也将于2026年开始生产。</p><p>➂ Wolfspeed拥有世界上第一个也是最大的8英寸碳化硅工厂,并在德国计划建设新的工厂。</p><p>➀ Over the past few years, major companies have been investing in 8-inch SiC production lines, with 14 new factories being planned globally.</p><p>➁ STMicroelectronics is constructing a new 8-inch SiC plant in Italy and a joint venture in China, with production expected in 2026.</p><p>➂ Wolfspeed has the world's first and largest 8-inch SiC plant, with plans for a new factory in Germany.</p>