07/24/2024, 07:02 PM UTC
树莓派获得Remote.It的蓝牙辅助Wi-Fi配置工具Raspberry Pi gains Bluetooth assisted Wi-Fi config tool from Remote.It
❶ Remote.It推出了一款开源工具,用于在Raspberry Pi 5及更早型号上轻松设置Wi-Fi。❷ 该工具通过蓝牙从智能手机和电脑共享连接详情,无需物理外设。❸ 设置完成后,用户可以管理SSH等服务,并与其它Remote.It用户共享访问权限。❶ Remote.It introduces an open-source tool for easy Wi-Fi setup on Raspberry Pi 5 and older models. ❷ The tool uses Bluetooth to share connection details from smartphones and computers, eliminating the need for physical peripherals. ❸ Post-setup, users can manage services like SSH and share access with other Remote.It users.