10/22/2024, 01:12 PM UTC
Septentrio与GNSS Store合作,推出高精度定位解决方案Septentrio and GNSS Store hook up
➀ GNSS定位专家Septentrio与GNSS OEM Store合作,提供厘米级GNSS模块、天线和开发套件。➁ GNSS Store基于mosaic GNSS模块开发了各种评估板、USB线、紧凑型智能天线和即插即用系统。➂ 这些产品具备多频段、多星座和高精度RTK能力,提供亚厘米级定位精度,适用于高精度导航定位应用,如精准农业、无人机和机器人。➀ Septentrio, a GNSS positioning specialist, has partnered with GNSS OEM Store to offer centimetre-level GNSS modules, antennas, and development kits. ➁ GNSS Store has developed various evaluation boards, dongles, compact smart antennas, and plug-and-play systems based on the mosaic GNSS module. ➂ These products provide sub-centimetre level location accuracy with multi-band, multi-constellation, and high-precision RTK capabilities, suitable for high-precision navigation and positioning applications like precision agriculture, UAVs, and robots.
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