03/11/2025, 06:25 AM UTC
ST推出面向通用和安全性MCU的硬件加密加速器和相关软件库Cryptographic accelerators for MCUs
ST推出了面向通用和安全性MCU的硬件加密加速器和相关软件库。标准化后量子密码学(PQC)需要利用基于难以量子计算机解决的数学问题的新的技术。ST的产品包括由ST发明的一种哈希算法Keccak,并通过X-CUBE-PQC软件库为STM32开发者提供,以及在包含SHA-3硬件加速器的Stellar汽车微控制器中提供。此外,还提供了新的软件库和硬件IP,针对安全微控制器,旨在满足通用标准(Common Criteria)和FIPS 140-3,以及ML-KEM、ML-DSA和XMSS/LMS等PQC算法。
ST has introduced hardware cryptographic accelerators and associated software libraries for general-purpose and secure MCUs. The need for standardizing Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) involves using new techniques based on mathematical problems that are hard for quantum computers to solve. ST's offerings include the Keccak algorithm, a hash algorithm invented by ST, and are available through the X-CUBE-PQC software library for STM32 developers and the SHA-3 hardware accelerator in Stellar automotive microcontrollers. New software libraries and hardware IPs are also provided for secure microcontrollers, targeting Common Criteria and FIPS 140-3, and PQC algorithms like ML-KEM, ML-DSA, and XMSS/LMS.