11/26/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
Skyloong GK104 Pro键盘评测Skyloong GK104 Pro Keyboard Review
➀ Skyloong的GK104 Pro键盘功能丰富,包括2英寸LCD屏幕、内置计算器、带七个音效的内置扬声器以及RGB背光。尽管功能众多,评测质疑它是否能提供出色的打字和游戏体验。 ➁ 该键盘因其良好的打字声音和手感、设计选项、模块化屏幕和旋钮以及连接性而受到赞扬。然而,它因软件糟糕、全塑料构造和花哨的音效而受到批评。 ➂ 评测总结称,GK104 Pro是一款独特的键盘,但软件问题使其大打折扣。➀ The GK104 Pro keyboard from Skyloong boasts an extensive list of features including a 2" LCD screen, integrated calculator, built-in speaker with seven sound effects, and RGB lighting. Despite its rich feature set, the review questions whether it can deliver a great typing and gaming experience. ➁ The keyboard is praised for its good typing sound and feel, design options, modular screen and dials, and connectivity. However, it is criticized for its poor software, all-plastic construction, and gimmicky sound effects. ➂ The review concludes that the GK104 Pro is an unusual keyboard that is let down by its software.