02/07/2025, 06:06 AM UTC
为物联网设计的低功耗蓝牙模块Energy-Efficient Bluetooth Modules For IoT
➀ u-blox 最近推出了六种新的 NORA-B2 蓝牙低功耗模块变体,集成了 Nordic Semiconductor 的 nRF54L 系列超低功耗无线系统级芯片(SoCs)。
➁ 这些新模块提供更低的功耗、更高的处理效率和增强的安全功能,适用于各种物联网应用。
➂ NORA-B2 系列包括四种不同能力的型号,均符合 PSA 认证三级安全标准。
➀ u-blox recently introduced six new NORA-B2 Bluetooth Low Energy module variants, integrating Nordic Semiconductor's nRF54L Series of ultra-low power wireless Systems-on-Chip (SoCs).
➁ These new modules offer lower power consumption, higher processing efficiency, and enhanced security features, making them suitable for various IoT applications.
➂ The NORA-B2 series includes four types with varying capabilities, all meeting PSA Certified Level 3 security standards.