10/09/2024, 06:36 PM UTC
新规则降低金属纳米结构中的能量损失New Rule Reduces Energy Loss in Metal Nanostructures
➀ 香港城市大学的科学家们发现金属纳米结构中存在显著的能量损失。通过改变其几何尺寸,他们充分利用了这些结构的潜力,从而创造出了更强大、更有效的纳米级光学器件。这项研究解决了金属纳米结构中长期以来存在的能量损失问题。 ➁ 已发现一种新的通用定律——逆平方根定律,可以通过改变纳米结构的尺寸来最大程度地减少等离子体纳米结构中的能量损失。这一发现将金属阵列中的谐振质量提高了两倍。 ➂ 这一发现有可能彻底改变太阳能、成像和传感等行业,使科学家能够创造出更加创新和强大的光学器件。➀ Scientists from the City University of Hong Kong have discovered a significant energy loss in metal nanostructures. By varying their geometrical dimensions, they have fully utilized these structures' potential, leading to the creation of more potent and effective nanoscale optical devices. The research resolves a long-standing issue of energy loss in metal nanostructures. ➁ A new universal law, the inverse square root law, has been found to minimize energy loss in plasmonic nanostructures by changing their size. This discovery improves resonance quality in metal arrays by a factor of two. ➂ The finding could revolutionize industries such as solar energy, imaging, and sensing, enabling the creation of more innovative and powerful optical devices.