01/17/2025, 12:00 PM UTC
2025年7只A评级股息贵族的52周低点交易,具有巨大的上涨潜力7 A-Rated Dividend Aristocrat Bargains With Big Upside Potential In 2025
1、目前七只股息贵族正在52周低点交易;2、它们拥有强劲的基本面,股息收益率为2.1%,信用评级为A-;3、历史上,这些股票的波动性低于标准普尔500指数,提供了稳定的回报和强劲的收入增长。1. Seven Dividend Aristocrats are currently trading at 52-week lows; 2. They have strong fundamentals with a 2.1% yield and A-credit ratings; 3. Historically, these stocks have outperformed the S&P 500 with lower volatility, offering consistent returns and robust income growth.---