02/04/2025, 02:27 PM UTC
微软不希望你了解的安装Windows 11的老PC技巧Microsoft Doesn't Want You To Know This Trick For Installing Windows 11 On An Old PC
➀ 微软已删除在不符合硬件要求的旧电脑上安装Windows 11的说明;➁ 公司正在推动用户升级到运行Windows 11的新电脑;➂ 指令的删除与Windows 10免费支持结束的时间相吻合。➀ Microsoft has removed instructions for installing Windows 11 on older PCs that don't meet hardware requirements; ➁ The company is pushing users to upgrade to new PCs running Windows 11; ➂ The removal of instructions coincides with the end of free support for Windows 10.---