10/29/2024, 06:30 PM UTC
泄露者称《艾尔登法环》将登陆Switch 2Leaker claims Elden Ring is coming to the Switch 2
➀ 《艾尔登法环》是近几年最受欢迎的游戏之一,自2022年以来已售出超过2500万份;➁ 任天堂计划明年推出Switch的继任者;➂ 《艾尔登法环》的Switch 2版本正在开发中,可能由Virtuos负责,并可能于2025年底推出。➀ Elden Ring is one of the biggest games of the past few years, with over 25 million copies sold since 2022; ➁ Nintendo is set to unveil their Switch successor next year; ➂ A port of Elden Ring is in development for SWITCH 2, possibly by Virtuos, and could arrive by the end of 2025.