09/10/2024, 11:02 PM UTC
谷歌可能正在翻新Android的搜索栏,新增便捷的新快捷方式Google May Be Revamping Android’s Search Bar With Handy New Shortcuts
➀ Android用户报告称,在最新版本的谷歌应用测试版中出现了新的搜索小部件;➁ 该小部件在镜头和“说现在”快捷方式之上添加了一个可自定义的快捷方式;➂ 用户可以将快捷方式设置为直接启动翻译、歌曲搜索、天气、相机翻译、财经或什么都不做。➀ Android users are reporting a new Search widget in the latest beta version of the Google app; ➁ The widget adds a customizable shortcut on top of the Lens and Speak Now shortcuts; ➂ Users can set the shortcut to directly launch Translate, Song Search, Weather, Translate (camera), Finance, or do nothing at all.