10/02/2024, 04:38 PM UTC
如何升级焊接式RAMHow to Upgrade Soldered-in RAM
➀ 文章讨论了升级笔记本电脑焊接式RAM的难度,强调了所需的特殊工具和技能,如X射线机和精确的焊接技术。作者Greg Davill是一位电气工程师,尽管成功但后悔这次体验。➁ Greg Davill提到了Hackaday上的一项类似项目,用于升级MacBook的内存,指出该项目没有完成,应仅作为娱乐和灵感。➂ 文章还包含了一系列相关的科技交易和新闻,如Adobe Creative Cloud订阅、批评LinkedIn的网站以及在休斯顿的新展览。➀ The article discusses the difficulty of upgrading soldered-in RAM on laptops, highlighting the specialized tools and skills required, such as an x-ray machine and precise desoldering techniques. The author, Greg Davill, is an electrical engineer and regrets the experience despite the successful outcome. ➁ Greg Davill mentions a similar project on Hackaday for upgrading a MacBook's memory, noting that the project was not completed and should be taken as entertainment. ➂ The article also includes a list of related tech deals and news, such as Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions, a website critical of LinkedIn, and a new exhibit in Houston.