12/31/2024, 05:35 AM UTC
毫米波雷达传感器参考设计The mmWave Radar Sensor Reference Design
➀ 毫米波雷达传感器参考设计为工程师提供了将手势功能集成到汽车系统的解决方案;➁ 德州仪器的AWRL1432传感器用于检测距离、角度和速度;➂ 该设计支持KTO模块、障碍物检测和自动泊车等多种应用。➀ The mmWave Radar Sensor Reference Design provides engineers with a solution for integrating gesture-based features into automotive systems; ➁ Texas Instruments' AWRL1432 sensor is used for distance, angle, and velocity detection; ➂ The design supports various applications like KTO modules, obstacle detection, and automated parking.---