09/27/2024, 01:56 PM UTC
芯片上网络加速器Network-on-Chip Accelerator
➀ Synthara成功完成了芯片上网络加速器Watchdog (WDG)的首次封装,并已进入测试阶段;➁ 该混合信号芯片上网络加速器具有内存内计算技术,旨在提升计算性能;➂ Watchdog旨在满足AI和机器学习的日益增长的需求,实现高效的通信和数据共享。➀ Synthara has successfully completed the first tapeout of the Network-on-Chip accelerator, Watchdog (WDG), and has entered the testing phase; ➁ The mixed-signal Network-on-Chip accelerator features compute-in-memory technology and is designed to enhance computational performance; ➂ Watchdog is designed to meet the growing demands of AI and machine learning, enabling efficient communication and data sharing.