08/05/2024, 02:19 PM UTC
思科系统:评估其在人工智能和云计算革命中的地位Cisco Systems: Evaluating Its Position In The AI And Cloud Revolution
1、尽管科技和人工智能炒作不断,思科系统在过去1年、3年和5年中的回报率均为负。2、该公司未能利用人工智能革命和向云解决方案的转变。3、尽管思科拥有强大的资产负债表和股息支付等积极方面,但其在人工智能和云计算领域的未来增长似乎不确定。1. Cisco Systems has shown negative returns over the past 1, 3, and 5 years despite the tech and AI hype. 2. The company has failed to capitalize on the AI revolution and the shift to cloud-based solutions. 3. Despite some positive aspects like strong balance sheet and dividend payments, Cisco's future growth in AI and cloud seems uncertain.
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