07/04/2024, 01:07 PM UTC
原子钟能够检测到爱因斯坦相对论预言的引力效应Clock detects effects of gravity predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity
1、JILA的研究人员开发了一种能够在微观尺度上检测引力效应的原子钟。2、该钟使用可见光波进行更精确的时间记录,可能每300亿年只损失一秒。3、这种新钟设计允许在亚毫米尺度上检测相对论对时间记录的影响,弥合了量子力学和广义相对论之间的差距。1. Researchers at JILA have developed an atomic clock that can detect gravity effects at the microscopic scale. 2. The clock uses visible light waves for more precise timekeeping, potentially losing only one second every 30 billion years. 3. This new clock design allows detection of relativistic effects on timekeeping at the submillimeter scale, bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and general relativity.