06/24/2024, 08:00 AM UTC
爱德利用辞职荣誉名单Ed Exploits The Resignation Honours List
1、文章描述了连续CEO爱德如何被一些人接近,这些人希望在辞职荣誉名单中被包括,以换取对选举战争基金的财政贡献。2、爱德操纵这些人,承诺与首相进行调解以获得荣誉,同时计划自己口袋里的'额外费用'。3、与格雷泽的对话,尽管他有犯罪背景,但他寻求骑士身份,突出了荣誉制度的腐败性质和爱德为了个人利益而利用它的意愿。1. The article describes how Ed, a serial CEO, is approached by individuals seeking to be included in the resignation honours list in exchange for financial contributions to the electoral war chest. 2. Ed manipulates these individuals, promising his intercession with the Prime Minister for honours, while planning to pocket the 'additional expenses' himself. 3. The conversation with Greaser, who seeks a knighthood despite his criminal background, highlights the corrupt nature of the honours system and Ed's willingness to exploit it for personal gain.