10/29/2024, 09:01 AM UTC
英国制造全球首台计算机控制气体切割机UK Makes World’s First Computer-Controlled Gas Cutter
➀ 英国成功研发了全球首台计算机控制气体切割机,标志着造船业自动化的重要进展;➁ 英国氧气-费兰蒂公司制造的这台机器与传统方法相比,可至少减少50%的钢板切割时间;➂ 该技术适用于结构工程、机车制造和原子反应堆建设。➀ The UK has developed the world's first computer-controlled gas cutting machine, marking a significant step towards automation in shipyards; ➁ The machine, built by British Oxygen-Ferranti, can reduce steel plate cutting time by at least 50% compared to conventional methods; ➂ The technology is applicable to structural engineering, locomotive building, and atomic reactor construction.