11/01/2024, 07:35 PM UTC
台积电今年将接收ASML下一代芯片机TSMC to Receive ASML's Next-Gen Chip Machines This Year
<p>➀ 台积电预计将接收来自ASML的世界最先进芯片制造设备的首批交货。</p><p>➁ 这些高数值孔径极紫外光(EUV)光刻机是成本最高的芯片制造设备,每台价值约3.5亿美元。</p><p>➂ 台积电将比美国竞争对手英特尔晚几个月接收这些设备。</p><p>➀ TSMC is set to receive the first shipment of the world's most advanced chipmaking machines from ASML.</p><p>➁ These high NA EUV lithography machines are the most expensive chipmaking equipment, costing around $350 million each.</p><p>➂ TSMC will receive them just months behind U.S. rival Intel.</p>