10/24/2024, 01:03 PM UTC
2.5 GHz 带宽的高速波形发生器High-Speed Waveform Generator with 2.5 GHz Bandwidth
➀ 慧谱仪器开发了新的PCIe格式的任意波形发生器(AWG)卡,提供高达10 GS/s的速度,2.5 GHz的带宽和16位分辨率;➁ 这些AWG卡支持高频率的波形生成,失真最小,可以链接以创建多通道的同步输出;➂ 这些卡与Windows和Linux操作系统兼容,并可以使用C++、Python和Java等语言进行编程。➀ Spectrum Instrumentation has developed new PCIe-formatted Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG) cards offering up to 10 GS/s speed, 2.5 GHz bandwidth, and 16-bit resolution; ➁ The AWG cards support high-frequency waveform production with minimal distortion and can be linked to create synchronized outputs across multiple channels; ➂ The cards are compatible with Windows and Linux operating systems and are programmable in languages like C++, Python, and Java.