09/02/2024, 09:46 PM UTC
象帝先倒闭:中国科技自给自足雄心的打击Xiangdixian's Collapse: A Blow to China's Tech Self-Sufficiency Ambitions
➀ 中国半导体初创公司象帝先计算技术因资金短缺和法律问题倒闭,解雇了 所有员工。➁ 公司在全员会议上宣布解散,并终止了近400名员工的合同。➂ 象帝先未能履行上一轮融资的条款,导致股东提起诉讼并冻结了其银行账户。➃ 公司否认了解散的报道,正在寻求新的投资者和外部融资机会。➀ Xiangdixian Computing Technology, a Chinese semiconductor start-up, has collapsed due to a cash crunch and legal issues, dismissing all employees. ➁ The company held an all-staff meeting to announce its dissolution and termination of nearly 400 employees' contracts. ➂ Xiangdixian failed to meet terms in a previous funding round, leading to a lawsuit and the freezing of its bank account. ➃ The firm denies reports of dissolution and is seeking new investors and external financing opportunities.