08/02/2024, 02:02 PM UTC
创新电子:提升智能手机摄影的图像传感器Image Sensor for Better Smartphone Photography
1、三星电子推出三款新型移动图像传感器ISOCELL HP9、GNJ和JN5,旨在提升智能手机摄影体验。2、ISOCELL HP9配备200MP传感器,采用先进的光收集技术,提高色彩再现和焦点精度。3、这些传感器有望在移动摄影领域树立新标杆,增强低光性能和变焦功能。1. Samsung Electronics introduces three new mobile image sensors, ISOCELL HP9, GNJ, and JN5, aiming to enhance smartphone photography. 2. The ISOCELL HP9 features a 200MP sensor with advanced light-gathering technology, improving color reproduction and focus. 3. These sensors promise to set new benchmarks in mobile photography with enhanced low-light performance and zoom capabilities.