06/26/2024, 07:31 PM UTC
台湾研究机构称台积电将保持代工领先地位至2032年,美国预计占先进制造28%Taiwanese research firm says TSMC will maintain foundry lead until at least 2032 — US expected to account for 28% of leading edge manufacturing
1、台湾研究机构预测台积电将继续引领代工服务至2032年。2、工业技术研究院院长表示,台湾将在未来八年内保持全球逻辑半导体制造最大国的地位。3、美国预计将占据该领域先进制造的28%份额。1. A Taiwanese research firm predicts that TSMC will continue to lead in foundry services until at least 2032. 2. The Industrial Technology Research Institute director states that Taiwan will remain the largest logic semiconductor manufacturer globally for the next eight years. 3. The US is expected to account for 28% of leading-edge manufacturing in this sector.
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