02/13/2025, 09:58 AM UTC
由实验室培育肌肉驱动的仿生手Biohybrid Hand Moves With Lab-Grown Muscles
➀ 东京大学和早稻田大学的研究人员开发了一种能够抓取物体和做出手势的生物混合手。
➁ 这只手使用由实验室培育的肌肉组织细丝捆绑在一起,以提供足够的力量来移动手指。
➂ 挑战包括保持手在液体中以实现平滑运动,并改进控制手指返回起始位置的方式。
➀ Researchers from the University of Tokyo and Waseda University have developed a biohybrid hand capable of grasping objects and making gestures.
➁ The hand uses thin strands of lab-grown muscle tissue bundled together to provide sufficient strength for finger movement.
➂ Challenges include keeping the hand in liquid to allow smooth movement and improving control over returning the fingers to their starting position.