09/02/2024, 07:41 AM UTC
英特爾傳賣Altera原因曝光 潛在買家可能是MarvellIntel's Altera Sale: Potential Buyer Could Be Marvell
➀ 英特尔据传正在考虑出售其可编程芯片部门Altera,作为成本削减计划的一部分。➁ 潜在买家可能是网络IC设计公司Marvell。➂ 英特尔CEO帕特·基辛 格(Pat Gelsinger)计划在本月中旬向董事会提出成本削减计划,可能包括暂停或停止在德国的扩张项目。➀ Intel is reportedly considering selling its programmable chip division, Altera, as part of a cost-cutting plan. ➁ The potential buyer could be Marvell, a leading networking IC design company. ➂ Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, is set to present the cost-cutting plan to the board later this month, which may include halting or stopping expansion projects in Germany.