08/20/2024, 07:10 PM UTC
欧盟批准50亿欧元德国援助ESMc半导体工厂在德累斯顿EU Approves 5 Billion Euro German Aid for ESMc Semiconductor Plant in Dresden
➀ 欧盟已批准德国提供的50亿欧元援助计划,用于ESMc在德累斯顿建立半导体制造工厂。 ➁ 此举是提升欧洲半导体产业并减少对外国供应商依赖的更广泛战略的一部分。 ➂ 该工厂预计将于2024年开始运营,显著增强欧洲在半导体生产方面的能力。➀ The European Union has approved a 5 billion euro aid package from Germany for the establishment of a semiconductor manufacturing plant by ESMc in Dresden. ➁ This move is part of a broader strategy to boost Europe's semiconductor industry and reduce dependency on foreign suppliers. ➂ The plant is expected to start operations in 2024, significantly enhancing Europe's capacity in semiconductor production.