11/03/2024, 11:20 AM UTC
三星电子实施大规模自愿离职计划Samsung Electronics Implements Large-Scale Voluntary Resignation Plan
<p>➀ 三星电子已实施大规模自愿离职计划。</p><p>➁ 该计划主要针对工作15年或以上但过去5年内未遭受困难的CL3(车辆及部长级)员工。</p><p>➂ 第二阶段计划扩展到工作10年以上的员工,如未达成目标,第三阶段将扩大至所有员工。最终阶段为持续运营。</p><p>➃ 自愿离职条件包括3800万韩元的离职金和4个月的月薪,总计约4000万韩元。</p><p>➀ Samsung Electronics has implemented a large-scale voluntary resignation plan.</p><p>➁ The plan primarily targets CL3 (Vehicle & Section Chief level) employees who have worked for 15 years or more but have not faced hardship within the past 5 years.</p><p>➂ The second phase of the plan extends to employees with 10 years of service, and the third phase will expand to all staff if targets are not met. The final phase is a continuous operation.</p><p>➃ Voluntary resignation conditions include a severance pay of 380 million won and 4 months of salary, totaling around 400 million won.</p>