11/13/2024, 01:10 PM UTC
警惕标普500指数集中度Be Aware Of S&P 500 Index Concentration
1、包括先锋集团和查尔斯·施瓦布在内的几家共同基金公司,因某些投资策略的SEC多元化要求,被迫修订其招股说明书。2、截至上周末,标普500指数的36.8%投资于仅十只股票。3、集中度风险对投资者的投资组合回报可能产生积极和消极的影响。1. Several mutual fund firms, including Vanguard and Charles Schwab, are being required to revise their prospectuses due to SEC diversification requirements for certain investment strategies. 2. At the end of last week, 36.8% of the S&P 500 Index was invested in just ten stocks. 3. Concentration risk can affect portfolio returns in both positive and negative ways for investors.