06/12/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
空客与Helsing合作开发Wingman AI无人平台Airbus, Helsing team for Wingman AI unmanned platform
1、空客防务与航天与Helsing合作开发AI驱动的无人Wingman系统。2、Wingman旨在与有人战斗机协同作战,增强空中优势。3、该系统将执行危险任务,如目标侦察和电子战,始终保持人在回路中。1. Airbus Defence and Space and Helsing have partnered to develop an AI-powered unmanned Wingman system. 2. The Wingman is designed to operate alongside manned combat jets, enhancing air superiority. 3. The system will handle dangerous tasks such as target reconnaissance and electronic warfare, with a human always in the loop.