11/22/2024, 10:07 PM UTC
由面粉制成的革命性纳米纤维:用于组织再生Revolutionary Nanofibers Made from Flour for Tissue Regeneration
➀ 伦敦大学学院的研究团队开发出了由面粉制成的世界上最细的类似意大利面的纳米纤维,其在医学和工业领域具有潜在应用;➁ 这些使用静电纺丝技术制成的纳米纤维具有独特的性能,使其适用于伤口敷料和组织再生;➂ 制作这些纳米纤维的过程是比从淀粉中生产纳米纤维的传统方法更环保的绿色替代方案,因为它使用的是面粉,这是一种易于获取且可再生的资源。➀ A research team from University College London has developed the world's thinnest spaghetti-like nanofibers made from flour, with potential applications in medicine and industry; ➁ These nanofibers, created using electrospinning, have unique properties that make them suitable for wound dressings and tissue regeneration; ➂ The process of creating these nanofibers is a green alternative to traditional methods of producing nanofibers from starch, as it uses flour, a readily available and renewable resource.