08/12/2024, 02:00 PM UTC
铠侠在FMS 2024上详述BiCS 8 NAND:216层与卓越的缩放技术Kioxia Details BiCS 8 NAND at FMS 2024: 216 Layers With Superior Scaling
➀ 铠侠在FMS 2024上展示了其BiCS 8 3D NAND技术,具有218层和新的CMOS Bonded Array(CBA)工艺。➁ CBA工艺允许CMOS晶圆和单元阵列晶圆的独立并行处理,提高了可靠性和性能。➂ 尽管层数少于竞争对手,铠侠的横向缩放技术使其在比特密度和操作速度上保持竞争力。➀ Kioxia showcased its BiCS 8 3D NAND technology at FMS 2024, featuring 218 layers and a new CMOS Bonded Array (CBA) process. ➁ The CBA process allows independent parallel processing of CMOS wafer and cell array wafer, improving reliability and performance. ➂ Despite fewer layers compared to competitors, Kioxia's lateral scaling enables competitive bit density and operating speeds.---