10/21/2024, 06:40 AM UTC
三星电子危机内幕:专家分析HBM困境Inside Samsung Electronics' Crisis: Expert Analysis on the HBM Dilemma
<p>➀ 三星电子面临组织文化和缺乏大胆创新的危机;</p><p>➁ 公司过于关注财务和法律 方面,而忽视了技术进步;</p><p>➂ 三星决定退出HBM(高带宽内存)的决定受到了批评,认为从财务上并不划算;</p><p>➃ 文章突出了三星在封装技术方面的挑战,以及其在TSMC等竞争对手后面的落后;</p><p>➅ 内部报告流程冗长且容易失真,影响决策;</p><p>➆ 员工为了更好的机会而离职,尤其是在中国;</p><p>➇ 文章建议三星需要改革管理层,并培养创新和开放讨论的文化。</p><p>➀ Samsung Electronics faces a crisis due to its organizational culture and lack of bold innovation;</p><p>➁ The company's focus on financial and legal aspects over technology has hindered its progress;</p><p>➂ Samsung's decision to withdraw from HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) was criticized for not being financially beneficial;</p><p>➃ The article highlights the challenges Samsung faces in packaging technology and its falling behind competitors like TSMC;</p><p>➅ The internal reporting process is lengthy and prone to distortion, affecting decision-making;</p><p>➆ Employees are leaving for better opportunities, especially in China;</p><p>➇ The article suggests that Samsung needs to revamp its management and focus on fostering a culture of innovation and open discussion.</p>