02/06/2025, 10:00 AM UTC
新型注塑工艺助力环保电子产品Environmentally Friendly Electronics Products through New Molding Process
弗劳恩霍夫I ZM与国际合作伙伴合作,正在欧盟地平线项目MULTIMOLD的框架内开发一种新的注塑工艺。该工艺旨在以最大化的设计自由度生产环保电子产品。重点是可持续性,包括全面的生命周期评估和优化生产过程中的资源使用。
The Fraunhofer IZM, in collaboration with international partners, is working on a new injection molding process as part of the EU Horizon project MULTIMOLD. This process aims to produce environmentally friendly electronics products with maximum design freedom. The focus is on sustainability, including comprehensive life cycle assessments and optimizing resource use in the production process.
The project aims to improve the recyclability of products and reduce their ecological footprint, particularly by developing new methods for separating and reusing the individual layers of the components. The process is currently under development and is being continuously optimized for sustainable production without compromising the performance of electronic products.