02/04/2025, 06:56 AM UTC
通用磨坊为您的投资组合带来甜蜜的回报General Mills Makes For A Sweet Treat For Your Portfolio
1、尽管近期表现不佳,但通用磨坊估值偏低,且拥有稳定的商业模式;2、由于销量下降和竞争压力,收入增长不稳定,但价格上涨有所帮助;3、盈利指标结果不一,但现金流有所改善,预计通过剥离等战略举措将增强财务稳定性。1. Despite recent underperformance, General Mills remains undervalued and has a stable business model; 2. Revenue growth has been inconsistent due to lower volumes and competitive pressures, but price increases have helped; 3. Profitability metrics show mixed results, but cash flow has improved, and strategic moves like divestitures are expected to enhance financial stability.---