09/27/2024, 03:47 PM UTC
英特尔将于年底前获得芯片法案资金,但不得出售给ARM或高通Intel to get Chips Act funds by year-end but must not sell units to Arm, Qualcomm
➀ 英特尔预计将在年底前从芯片法案中获得85亿美元资金,但条件是不向ARM或高通出售任何股份。ARM和高通曾表示有兴趣收购英特尔的部分产品线。➁ 英特尔原本获得195亿美元的资金奖励,但由于其在晶圆厂建设项目上的进展,款项支付被延迟。➂ 英特尔承诺将在美国俄亥俄州、新墨西哥州、亚利桑那州和俄勒冈州投资超过1000亿美元建设新的晶圆厂。➀ Intel is set to receive $8.5 billion from the Chips Act by year-end, with the condition that it does not sell any units to Arm or Qualcomm. The two companies had shown interest in acquiring parts of Intel's product group. ➁ Intel was awarded $19.5 billion but payments were delayed due to progress on its fab-building program. ➂ Intel has committed to spending over $100 billion on new fabs in the US.