09/19/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
任天堂和宝可梦公司起诉Palworld创作者侵犯专利Nintendo and The Pokemon Company sue Palworld creators for patent infringement
➀ 任天堂和宝可梦公司因专利侵权起诉Palworld创作者;➁ 诉讼在东京地方法院提起;➂ 尽管Palworld的设计原创,但与宝可梦存在相似之处,导致法律行动。➀ Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have filed a lawsuit against Palworld creators for patent infringement; ➁ The lawsuit was filed in the Tokyo District Court; ➂ Despite the original designs of Palworld, it shares similarities with Pokémon, leading to the legal action.