02/27/2025, 11:15 AM UTC
中微半导体2024年净利润1.35亿元,实现扭亏为盈SMIC Achieves Profit Turnaround with Net Profit of 135 Million Yuan in 2024
➀ 2024年中微半导体实现净利润1.35亿元,成功扭亏为盈;
➁ 公司营业总收入达到9.11亿元,同比增长27.72%;
➂ 收入增长和盈利转正的主要原因是集成电路需求增加、持续的研发投入以及产品竞争力的提升。
➀ SMIC reported a net profit of 135 million yuan in 2024, turning a loss into profit;
➁ The company's operating revenue reached 9.11 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 27.72%;
➂ The main reasons for the revenue growth and profit turnaround include increased demand for integrated circuits, continuous R&D investment, and improved product competitiveness.