11/20/2024, 05:30 PM UTC
《超级猴子球:香蕉混战》即将迎来重大2.0更新Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble to get major 2.0 update
➀ 《超级猴子球:香蕉混战》即将迎来重大2.0更新;➁ 更新内容包括超级猴子拳、香蕉猎场和终极EX关卡等新功能;➂ 还宣布了新的跨界角色,如初音未来和哥斯拉。➀ The Super Monkey Ball series is set to receive a major 2.0 update for Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble; ➁ The update includes new features like Super Punchy Brawl, Banana Hunt, and Ultimate EX Stages; ➂ New crossover characters such as Hatsune Miku and Godzilla are also announced.