07/25/2024, 08:00 PM UTC
汤姆硬件评测:酷冷至尊ION 360一体式水冷散热器Cooler Master ION 360 AIO Liquid Cooler Review: One step forward, two steps back
❶ 酷冷至尊的ION 360一体式水冷散热器提供了顶级的散热性能,但比前代产品更吵。❷ 它配备了一个2.1英寸的可编程LCD显示屏,但没有泵控制功能,且价格高达249.99美元。❸ 散热器包括三个120mm的Mobius 120P风扇,具有长寿命,但其噪音标准化的性能较差,并且在大多数场景中更响。❶ Cooler Master's ION 360 AIO offers top-tier thermal performance but is noisier than its predecessor. ❷ It features a 2.1-inch programmable LCD display but lacks pump control and has a high price of $249.99. ❸ The cooler includes three 120mm Mobius 120P fans with a long lifespan, but its noise-normalized performance is poor and it is louder in most scenarios.
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