12/05/2024, 02:44 PM UTC
英特尔大卫·辛斯纳讨论核心芯片战略和寻找下一任CEOIntel's David Zinsner Discusses Core Chip Strategy And Hunt For Next CEO
➀ 大卫·辛斯纳讨论了英特尔的核心芯片战略和寻找下一任CEO;➁ 他建议下一任CEO应该具备晶圆厂经验;➂ 辛斯纳还评论了英特尔的晶圆厂业务和未来的投资。➀ David Zinsner discusses Intel's core chip strategy and the search for the next CEO; ➁ He suggests the next CEO should have foundry experience; ➂ Zinsner also comments on Intel's foundry business and future investments.---