01/15/2025, 02:10 PM UTC
AllState涉嫌秘密追踪数百万司机,引发隐私诉讼AllState Runs Into Privacy Lawsuit Alleging It Secretly Tracked Millions Of Drivers
➀ AllState及其子公司Arity被指控未经同意秘密追踪数百万司机;➁ 诉讼称他们通过第三方应用程序收集和出售位置数据;➂ 指控称数据收集导致保费上涨和拒绝承保。➀ AllState and its subsidiary Arity are accused of secretly tracking millions of drivers without consent; ➁ The lawsuit claims they collected and sold location data through third-party apps; ➂ The data collection is alleged to have led to premium price hikes and denied coverage.---