07/18/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
海盗船RM750e ATX 3.1电源评测:简单而高效The Corsair RM750e ATX 3.1 Review: Simple And Effective
1、海盗船RM750e ATX 3.1电源针对主流游戏系统设计,具备80Plus金牌认证和模块化电缆。2、它支持ATX 3.1标准,提供单一的600W 12V-2x6连接器,适合现代游戏设置。3、评测将涵盖其规格、构造和性能,以评估其在当前市场的地位。1. The Corsair RM750e ATX 3.1 power supply is designed for mainstream gaming systems, featuring an 80Plus Gold certification and modular cables. 2. It supports the ATX 3.1 standard and offers a single 600W 12V-2x6 connector, suitable for contemporary gaming setups. 3. The review will cover its specifications, construction, and performance to assess its position in the current market.---