01/15/2025, 12:05 PM UTC
奥姆龙推出可中断200A电流的继电器,以竞争接触器Relay breaks 200A to compete with contactors
➀ 奥姆龙开发了一种可在500V下中断200A电流的继电器;➁ 该继电器旨在替代直流电动汽车充电器、电池和太阳能逆变器的接触器;➁ 继电器采用专有的无气体设计,无需特殊材料冷却电弧,从而降低了碳排放;➂ 该继电器尺寸为64.2 x 86 x 47.7mm,在200A和500V下的最小操作寿命为10次;➀ Omron has developed a relay capable of interrupting 200A at 500V; ➁ The relay aims to replace contactors in DC electric vehicle chargers, batteries, and solar inverters; ➂ The relay uses a proprietary gasless design for cooling arcs without special materials, reducing carbon footprint; ➃ It measures 64.2 x 86 x 47.7mm and has a minimum operational life of 10 operations at 200A and 500V.---