01/08/2025, 06:46 AM UTC
无电感能量采集解决方案Inductor-Less Energy Harvesting Solution
➀ 慧荣科技推出NEH71x0 PMIC系列,用于能量采集,无需外部电感即可节省成本和空间;➁ 这些PMIC提供能量采集的电源管理解决方案,延长电池寿命,并支持可充电电池或超级电容器;➂ 这些设备适用于包括遥控器、钥匙扣和物联网设备在内的各种应用。➀ Nexperia introduces the NEH71x0 PMIC family for energy harvesting, offering cost and space savings without the need for an external inductor; ➁ The PMICs provide power management solutions for energy harvesting, extending battery life and enabling rechargeable batteries or supercapacitors; ➂ The devices are designed for various applications including remote controls, key fobs, and IoT devices.---