01/16/2025, 12:08 PM UTC
FOBA激光公司迎来新任总经理New MD at FOBA Laser
➀ 激光标记公司FOBA的新任总经理理查德·罗思接替了塞巴斯蒂安·布洛施。 ➁ 罗思在标记和产品管理方面拥有丰富的经验,曾在Videojet、X-Rite、Esko和Veralto公司担任过多个职位。 ➂ FOBA是Alltec Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie的一部分,专注于标记塑料和金属部件,并制作生物相容性标记。➀ Richard Roth has been appointed as the new Managing Director of laser marking company FOBA, succeeding Sebastian Blösch. ➁ Roth has a background in marking and product management, having worked at Videojet, X-Rite, Esko, and Veralto Corporation. ➂ FOBA, a part of Alltec Angewandte Laserlicht Technologie, specializes in marking plastic and metal parts and creating bio-compatible marks.---